It is a cry of every person, organization and even countries that a long lasting solution for cybersecurity is found. Every day, reports of growing number of cases concerning breach in cybersecurity are reported and the risk increases daily due to growing number of interconnected devices being added to the internet. Your information and data is not one hundred percent secure in your computer because you are exposed to the outside world. You never know who is trying to access your information.
What is cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity is processes and practices that work together to ensure integrity, authentication, confidentiality and availability of information. It is defending against people who want to illegally access devices, information and data. It is protecting your information, data and devices from illegal access. It also encompasses recovering from failures of the system and illegal access from attacks by hackers. Cybersecurity has layers of protection from computers, programs, data and network. For cybersecurity to be a success in an organization, there should be collaboration between people, processes and technology involved to assist in defending any cyber-attack.
You need to get to know everything about cybersecurity for you to be able to counter any threat that comes on your way. Knowledge about cybersecurity is needed for you to win this war. There will always be a cyber-attack even when strong controls are implemented, because attackers are always looking for a weak places and links; it is possible to prevent these attacks by doing basic security precautions activities.
Users of the system need to be trained on current cybersecurity precaution measures like use of strong passwords. In addition users should also be advised not to open any attachment that comes from unknown people and they should treat it as a spam. Backing up of data after a period of time is necessity. In a big organization there should be people tasked to brief the employees of trending risks, news about cybersecurity and also necessary controls to counter those current threats.
Compliance and regulatory policies
Europe union’s General Data Protection Regulatory(GDPR) body is tasked to make sure that all organizations meet the privacy and security mandates that GDPR and all other bodies have set so that to counter cyber-crimes.
These bodies have lowered risk that Internet of things has exposed everyone to. They make sure that they have lowered risk of exposing organization and other institutions by coming up with rules and regulations that must be met to counter cybersecurity challenges.
In case of any successful breach of cyber-attack, an organization should have a well-respected framework to assist and guide on how to go about it. It should be understandable on how to identify, detect and respond to attacks. It should also guide on how to protect systems and respond to any threat that comes. A great framework is able to guide on how to recover from successful attacks.
Hiring cyber security professionals
You organization will be more secured from cyber threats if you get a professional cyber security expert. He will assist you in making sure your systems and devices are protected from challenges concerning cybersecurity. It gives you advantage over the others because, you will be well updated with any risks or concerns and necessary measures and control will be guided by a professional. You may think it is not worth it, but it is worth everything you have because when a malware strikes you may lose everything.
Security tools
You need to get security tools that will be able to detect and counter any cyber threat that may come. Protection should start from Endpoint devices like computer, printers, routers and other devices. There is great anti-virus software that shield computers from internet attacks. You also need to have firewalls, emails solutions, malware protection and practice DNS filtering.