What is the best IT certification to have?

A picture is worth a thousand words.

There are a ton of IT certifications but the monster of all certifications is the Certified Information Security Professional (CISSP) Certification by ISC2.

There are a number of reasons that the CISSP is one of the most sought after and highly acclaimed certifications in the IT industry.

First, the CISSP exam is very difficult to pass. The pass rate usually hovers right around 50%. The difficulty of the test means that the folks who are able to pass really know their stuff. The test is mind bending and even people who are highly knowledgeable in the cybersecurity field often have a very difficult time with this exam.

Secondly, passing the test is just the beginning. CISSP holders need to prove that they have the required years of full time experience working in cybersecurity. They also have to get someone to sponsor them and vouch for their expertise and experience.

Finally, the CISSP certification proves knowledge that is not just specific to technical aspects of cybersecurity. A mastery of cybersecurity management, cybersecurity governance, and cybersecurity policy is required in order to obtain this IT Certification.